Pastoral care

The wax is a unique paraffin-based product of the SONAX company, which is sprayed, dissolved in demineralized water, with the standard guns of the 5 minutes sites. Applied correctly, after rinsing with demineralized water, the wax adheres to the surface of the car's varnish, thus creating a thin protective layer of paraffin, which both protects the car's paint from sticking to dust and mud and gives an exceptional shine to the car's surface.
The advantages of pasturing are:
- Protection of the varnish coating of the paint
- Drying the car without drying, which prevents the lacquer coating from sticking (paraffin helps the water to drain quickly)
- More difficult contamination of the paint surface due to the easier flow of dirt
- Adds shine to the dried surface
- Allows driving without the wipers on in the rain